This place

This place, 

This space,

It changes you,

You’ll need your sea legs laddy!

The place, this space,

when the wind is in the west, 

carries ancient spirits, 

Who’s voices dance upon her

To those who wander,

across her shoulder

Her secrets, revealed.

Deep knowledge, 

carried to her,

when the wind is in the west.

Her eyes fixed towards the heavens,

all gods, old and new

witnessed, for eons

lost now,

to time and the shifting tide.

This place, 

This space,

It changes you.

A mother,

lying, sleeping

scarred from,

time before time

An ancient protector,

a beacon, sanctuary 

home, teacher.

To the south she reaches

back toward the land.

An arm outstretched,

Her finger beaconing to the wild at heart

This place, 

This space,

It changes you.

In her palm 

a sentinel stands,

guardian and protector

gatekeeper to the mother

The scars of battle

written deep across his face.

His time is nearing it’s end

He will pass into legend

in the memories of man.

Until they fade,

and only the faintest light,


He will until his dying moment,

guard and protect

and mark the way for the weariest of pilgrim, 

who seek to find,


Serpentine sands will cover his body,

his essence, taken by the sea.

Until he is once again,

matter transfigured in time.

This place, 

This space,

It changes you.

You’ll need your sea legs laddy!

And to those who are drawn

and to those who wander


For each moment spent, 

a memory gained

Memory annexed 

to the volumes and tombs 

which when 

the wind is in the west 

will dance upon her shoulders

Still she stares 

her eyes fixed towards the sky.

A beacon on the land

She has witnessed all life,

birth, death, reign, rule, extinction  

Still she stares 

in silent connection to the beginning,

The beginning of all things.

This place,

This space,

she changes you.

by Patric Rogers 2021


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